Bubb Kuyper: Books and Graphics, 80, 2011 KM Haarlem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
May 13, 2024 - May 17, 2024
Page Size: 5811 items in 233 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Shell. No.1-2/3 and 5 [all published?]. Ed. J. Kimball.

Waban 1976-1979 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 EUR 260.80

Shig's Review. No.1-3 [all published]. Ed. Shigeyoshi Murao.

San Francisco 1960-1969 EUR 700.00 - 900.00 Not Sold

The Sinking Bear. A newsletter. Ed. J. Kugelberg, P. Aarons and A. Davis.

New York 2013 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 Not Sold

Sixpack. No.1-9 [all published]. Ed. P. Joris, V. Smitter and W.R. Prescott.

London, New York and Lake Toxaway 1972-1975 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 EUR 260.80

Sparrow. No.1-72 [all published]. Ed. R. Kelley.

Los Angeles 1972-1978 EUR 500.00 - 700.00 Not Sold

Spero. No.1-2 [all published]. Ed. D. Casement.

Flint 1965-1966 EUR 300.00 - 500.00 Not Sold

Spit in the Ocean. No.1-6. Ed. K. Kesey a.o.

Pleasant Hill 1974-1981 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 EUR 299.92

Subjectif. No.1-7 [all published]. Ed. R. Sorin.

Paris 1978-1979 EUR 300.00 - 500.00 Not Sold

Sure. The Charles Bukowski newsletter. No.1-10 [all published]. Ed. E.L. Smith.

Homeland 1991-1994 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 326.00

Things. No.1-3 [all published]. Ed. E. Jarrett and R. Schreiber.

New York 1964-1966 EUR 60.00 - 80.00 EUR 78.24

Third Rail. No.1-9 [all published]. Ed. U. Hertz and R. Robbins.

Santa Monica and Los Angeles 1975-1988 EUR 150.00 - 250.00 EUR 195.60

Throb. A magazine of deceptive poetry. No.1-2 [all published]. Ed. F.A. Nettelbeck.

Manhattan Beach 1971 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.40

Tish. A magazine of Vancouver Poetry/ A Poetry newsletter. No.1-43, D and E [all published]. Ed. J. Reid, G. Bowering, a.o.

Vancouver 1961-1969 EUR 700.00 - 900.00 EUR 978.00

Toothpaste. No.1-7 [all published]. Ed. A.M. Kornblum.

Iowa City 1970-1972 EUR 300.00 - 500.00 EUR 391.20

Tree. No.1-6 [all published]. Ed. D. Meltzer.

Berkeley 1970-1978 EUR 300.00 - 500.00 Not Sold

Unmuzzled Ox. Ed. M. Andre and E. Rothenberg.

Kingston and New York 1971-1990 EUR 400.00 - 600.00 Not Sold

The unspeakable visions of the individual. Vol. 1-14. Ed. A.W. and G. Knight.

California 1971-1984 EUR 600.00 - 800.00 Not Sold

Vort. No.1-9 [all published]. Ed. B. Alpert.

Silver Spring 1972-1976 EUR 250.00 - 350.00 Not Sold

We. A magazine of poetry and prose. Vol. 1 [all published]. Ed. H. Greenwald.

New Paltz 1964 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 EUR 91.28

West End, a magazine of poetry & politics. No.1 [all published?]. Ed. J. Crawford.

New York 1971 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 Not Sold

White Dove Review. Vol. 1, no.2 and 3/ Vol.2, no.5. Ed. R. Padgett.

Tulsa 1959-1960 EUR 1,000.00 - 1,500.00 Not Sold

Wild Dog. No.1-9 and 11-21. Ed. J. Hoopes, E. Dorn a.o.

Pocatello, Salt Lake City and San Francisco 1963-1966 EUR 500.00 - 700.00 Not Sold

The Wivenhoe Park Review. No.1-4/5 [all published]. Ed. A. Crozier.

Colchester, London etc. 1965-1969 EUR 150.00 - 250.00 Not Sold

Woodstock Journal. Vol.1, no.1 - Vol.2, no.2. Ed. E. Sanders.

Woodstock 1995-1996 EUR 150.00 - 250.00 EUR 208.64

The World. A New York City Literary Magazine. No.1-8, 10-11 and 13-33. Ed. J. Sloman, A. Waldman a.o.

New York 1967-1971 EUR 1,500.00 - 2,500.00 Not Sold
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