Bubb Kuyper: Books and Graphics, 80, 2011 KM Haarlem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
May 13, 2024 - May 17, 2024
Page Size: 5811 items in 233 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Lot of c.40 monographs on (mainly) Dutch artists,

1980-2020 EUR 250.00 - 350.00 EUR 358.60

Lot of over 500 miscell. invitations, fllyers, postcards, folded posters, small exhibition catalogues etc..

1960-1990 EUR 400.00 - 600.00 EUR 1,304.00
1041 Louis, E. and Stooss, T. (ed.).

Die Sprache der Kunst. Die Beziehung von Bild und Text in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts.

Ostfildern 1993 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 Not Sold
1042 Lucebert.

Honderd tekeningen uit de collectie van F. van Lanschot Bankiers. Introd. A. Petersen.

(Amst.) 1996 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
1043 Lucebert.

Lucebert. Unica. Zeven unieke cahiers in facsimile. Ed. S. Heman and P. Gerbrandy.

Amst. 2011 EUR 60.00 - 80.00 Not Sold
1044 Lucebert.

Tekeningen en gouaches.

Amst. 1959 EUR 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold
1045 Lugt, F.

Les marques de collections de dessins & d'estampes./ Supplement.

Amst./ The Hague 1956 EUR 60.00 - 80.00 EUR 104.32
1046 Lugt, F.

Les marques de collections de dessins & d'estampes./ Supplement.

San Francisco/ The Hague 1975/ 1956 EUR 60.00 - 80.00 EUR 78.24
1047 Luijten, G. a.o.

(ed.). Dawn of the Golden Age. Northern Netherlandish Art. 1580-1620.

Amst./ Zwolle 1993 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 EUR 91.28
1048 Lurasco, F.M.

Onze moderne meesters.

Amst. 1907 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 EUR 91.28
1049 Grayson, R.

A different day for another year./ Each day to come for one year more.

1976 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 117.36
1050 [Mankes, J.]. Lange, J.

de (ed.). 'Ik probeerde mooie dingen te maken in allen eenvoud'. Jan Mankes, een kunstenaarsleven in brieven, 1910-1920.

Zwolle/ The Hague 2013 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 EUR 117.36
1051 [Mankes, J.]. Plasschaert, A.

and Havelaar, J. Jan Mankes. Introd. A. Mankes-Zernike.

Wassenaar 1927 EUR 300.00 - 400.00 EUR 652.00
1052 Mantz, P. (introd.).

Cent dessins de Watteau graves par Boucher.

Paris 1892 EUR 60.00 - 80.00 Not Sold

Marc Adrian 10 optische Gestaltungen.

Vienna 1960 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 Not Sold
1054 Bol, L.J.

Die Hollandische Marinemalerei des 17. Jahrhunderts.

Braunschweig 1973 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
1055 Brewington, M.V.

and Brewington, D. Marine Paintings and Drawings in the Peabody Museum.

Salem 1968 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
1056 Dumas, G.

The golden Age of Dutch Marine Painting. The Inder Rieden Collection. Vol.1-4.

Leyden 2019 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 EUR 78.24
1057 [Masaccio].

Le Pitture di Masaccio esistenti in Roma nella Basilica di S. Clemente.

Rome 1830 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 Not Sold
1058 Masson, A.

Vagabond du surrealisme. Ed. G. Brownstone.

Paris 1975 EUR 120.00 - 150.00 EUR 156.48
1059 Matisse, H.

Pierre a feu.

Paris 1947 EUR 350.00 - 450.00 Not Sold
1060 [Matisse, H.].

Henri Matisse.

Amst. 1960 EUR 60.00 - 80.00 EUR 78.24
1061 [Matisse, H.].

Verve. Revue Artistique et Litteraire. Vol. IV, no.13.

Paris 1945 EUR 800.00 - 1,000.00 Not Sold
1062 [Matisse, H.].

Verve. Revue Artistique et Litteraire. Vol. VI, no.21/22.

Paris 1948 EUR 120.00 - 150.00 EUR 169.52
1063 Mauclair, C.

Les Miniatures du XVIIIe siecle (portraits de femmes).

Paris 1912 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
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    December 24 to January 9
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
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