Il Ponte: Prints, Multiples, and Modern Art, 679, Milan (Italy)

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 13, 2024 - November 13, 2024
Page Size: 215 items in 9 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price

Bruno Saetti - Sergio Birga

EUR 40.00 - 60.00 EUR 27.00
353 Plinio Colombi ( Berna 1873 - 1951 )

Winter (inverno), Chiesa di Munster in Svizzera e Avenches in Svizzera

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 27.00
354 Fritz Zalisz ( Gera 1893 - Holzhausen 1971 )

Nudo femminile e Ritratto di signora

EUR 60.00 - 80.00 EUR 27.00
355 Giacomo Manzu ( Bergamo 1908 - Ardea 1991 )

Figura femminile 1979

1979 EUR 40.00 - 60.00 EUR 135.00
356 Michele Cascella ( Ortona 1892 - Milano 1989 )

Senza titolo

EUR 20.00 - 30.00 EUR 94.50
357 Koloman Moser ( Vienna 1868 - Vienna 1918 )

Allegoria della pittura

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 13.50
358 Massimo Campigli ( Berlino 1895 - St. Tropez 1971 )

Ritratto di Raffaele Carrieri 1954

1954 EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 27.00
359 Arnold Bocklin (after)

Venti fotoincisioni tratte dai dipinti dell'artista

EUR 250.00 - 300.00 Not Sold
360 Giuseppe Migneco ( Messina 1908 - Milano 1997 )


EUR 40.00 - 60.00 EUR 27.00
361 Domenico Cantatore ( Ruvo Di Puglia 1906 - Parigi 1998 )


EUR 20.00 - 30.00 EUR 135.00
362 Bruno Cassinari ( Piacenza 1912 - Milano 1992 )

Senza titolo

EUR 30.00 - 50.00 EUR 135.00
366 Renato Guttuso ( Bagheria 1912 - Roma 1987 )

Senza titolo

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 54.00
367 Emilio Greco ( Catania 1913 - Roma 1995 )

Senza titolo 1968

1968 EUR 30.00 - 50.00 EUR 94.50
368 Renato Guttuso ( Bagheria 1912 - Roma 1987 )

Senza titolo

EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 216.00
369 Aligi Sassu ( Milano 1912 - Palma De Mallorca 2000 )

Il cavallo delle Esperidi 1986

1986 EUR 60.00 - 80.00 EUR 148.50
370 Michele Cascella ( Ortona 1892 - Milano 1989 )

Senza titolo

EUR 60.00 - 80.00 EUR 108.00
371 Salvatore Fiume ( Comiso 1915 - Milano 1997 )

Senza titolo

EUR 60.00 - 80.00 EUR 27.00
372 Virgilio Guidi ( Roma 1891 - Venezia 1984 )

Lotto composto da tre serigrafie a colori: due raffiguranti S. Giorgio a Venezia una un ritratto maschile

EUR 60.00 - 70.00 EUR 121.50
373 Remo Brindisi ( Roma 1918 - Lido di Spina 1996 )

due litografie a colori

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 202.50
374 Michele Cascella ( Ortona 1892 - Milano 1989 )

Quattro serigrafie a colori di soggetto diverso

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 472.50
375 Bruno Cassinari ( Piacenza 1912 - Milano 1992 )

Tre litografie a colori di diverso soggetto

EUR 40.00 - 60.00 EUR 40.50
377 Floriano Bodini - Valeriano Trubbiani

due acqueforti di soggetto diverso

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 67.50
378 Francesco Menzio - Trento Longaretti

Lotto composto da tre acqueforti di soggetto e misure diverse (due di Longaretti)

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 81.00
379 Francesco Casorati ( 1934 - 2013 )

Lotto composto da quattro tra litografie e incisioni, un disegno a tecnica mista e un manifesto litografico, di soggetti e

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 54.00
380 Floriano Bodini ( Gemonio 1933 - Milano 2005 )

Lotto composto da tre litografie a colori di soggetti diversi

EUR 100.00 - 120.00 EUR 148.50
  • High Bids Win
    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Ellis Smith Prints unsigned. 20” by 16”.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: United typothetae of America presidents. Pictures of 37 UTA presidents 46th annual convention United typothetae of America Cincinnati 1932.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec signed Paper Impressionism Art Prints. MayMilton 9 1/2” by 13” Reine de Joie 9 1/2” by 13”.
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: An exhibit of printed books, Bridwell library.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur Court By Mark Twain 1889.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: 1963 Philadelphia Eagles official program.
    High Bids Win
    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: 8 - Esquire the magazine for men 1954.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: The American printer, July 1910.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Leaves of grass 1855 by Walt Whitman.
  • Sotheby's
    Fine Books, Manuscripts & More
    Available for Immediate Purchase
    Sotheby’s: William Shakespeare.
    The Poems and Sonnets of William Shakespeare, 1960. 7,210 USD
    Sotheby’s: Charles Dickens.
    A Christmas Carol, First Edition, 1843. 17,500 USD
    Sotheby’s: William Golding.
    Lord of the Flies, First Edition, 1954. 5,400 USD
    Fine Books, Manuscripts & More
    Available for Immediate Purchase
    Sotheby’s: Lewis Carroll.
    Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, Inscribed First Edition, 1872. 25,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: J.R.R. Tolkien.
    The Hobbit, First Edition, 1937. 12,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: John Milton.
    Paradise Lost, 1759. 5,400 USD