Kiefer Buch und Kunstauktionen: Books and Antiques, Ancient and Modern Art - Day 1, 136a, 75172 Pforzheim

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
December 04, 2024 - December 04, 2024
Page Size: 1494 items in 60 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
826 Haemmerle,A. u. O.Hirsch.

Buntpapier. Herkommen, Geschichte, Techniken, Beziehungen zur Kunst. 2. Aufl.

1935 EUR 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold

Konvolut von 7 Musterbuchern zu Papieren. Qu.8deg u. Qu.4deg. OU. (Tls. Gebrauchssp.). Vorhanden: Goltzsch. Musterbuch Nr. 8. Farbig Schulzeichen fur den Werkunterricht. 4.

Paris 1860-61 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.00

Musterbuch fur Lampenschirme, mit 38 einmont. Papiermustern in Lithographie, tls. Chromolithogr. u. Pragedruck, meist in Facherform u. tls. mit Metallapplikation

um 1900 EUR 300.00 - 450.00 EUR 546.00
829 Moorrees,G. & Co.

Papeteries Anversoises. Album D: Articles a la Main, Cartes estampees, Menus, Cartes de Bal & de Naissance, Circulaires.

EUR 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold

Papier-Musterbucher. Sammlung von 3 Musterbuchern.

Greiz bzw. Duren o.J EUR 30.00 - 45.00 Not Sold
831 Schubert,M.

Die Papierverarbeitung. 2 Bde.

Bln. 1900-01 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold

Sammlung von 36 Schriften Buchhandel u. Antiquariatsbuchhandel, meist 2. H. 20. Jh. Versch. Formate u. Einbde. Enthalt u.a.: Neuburger,A. Echt oder Falschung ?

Lpz. 1924 EUR 50.00 - 80.00 Not Sold
833 Schorbach,K.

Der Strassburger Fruhdrucker Johann Mentelin 1458-1478). Studien zu seinem Leben und Werke.

Mainz. 1932 EUR 60.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
834 Schrettinger,M.

Handbuch der Bibliothek-Wissenschaft, besonders zum Gebrauche der Nicht-Bibliothekare, welche ihre Privat-Buchersammlungen selbst einrichten wollen.

Wien 1834 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 143.00
835 Simon,O. u. J.Rodenberg.

Printing of To-Day. An Illustrated Survey of Post-war Typography in Europe and the United States. With a General Inroduction by A.Huxley.

London 1928 EUR 50.00 - 75.00 Not Sold

Specimens of Book Types and of Printing and Bookbinding.

Norwood 1902 EUR 180.00 - 270.00 EUR 390.00
837 Gollner,C.

Turcica. Die europaischen Turkendrucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts. 2 Bde. Bukarest u. Bln. (ab Bd. 2 Bukarest u.

Baden-Baden 1961-78 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 Not Sold
838 Brudi,W.

Schriftschreiben und Schriftzeichnen. Stgt., Poeschel 1952.

Stgt. 1952 EUR 40.00 - 60.00 EUR 52.00
839 Frank,R.

Uber hebraische Typen und Schriftarten.

Bln. 1926 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.00
840 Georgi,C.

Schrift-Proben der Universitats-Buchdruckerei von Carl Georgi.

Bonn 1880 EUR 160.00 - 240.00 EUR 494.00
841 (Gessner,C.F.).

Der in der Buchdruckerei wohl unterrichtete Lehr-junge Oder: bey der Loblichen Buchdruckerkunst Nothige und nutzliche Anfangsgrunde. 3 Tle. in 1 Bd.

Lpz. 1743 EUR 400.00 - 600.00 Not Sold
842 (Guidici,G.).

Olivetti Formes Et Recherche.

Paris 1970 EUR 120.00 - 180.00 EUR 156.00
843 Hart,H.

Notes on a Century of Typography at the University Press Oxford 1693-1794. A photographic reprint...

Oxford 1970 EUR 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold
844 Heinrigs, Joh.

Musterbatter fur Liebhaber der hohern Calligraphie. Heft 3 (v. 3).

Bln., Koln 1822 Aufl. von1836 EUR 80.00 - 120.00 Not Sold

Illustrirtes Musterbuch fur amerikanische Patent-Abzieh-Buchstaben fur Glas, Holz, Wachstuch, Metall &c.

Koln um 1890 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 338.00
846 Knuttel,G.

The letter as a work of art. Observations and confrontations with contemporaneous expressions of art from roman times to the present day.

Amsterdam 1951 EUR 60.00 - 90.00 Not Sold

Monotype Co. (Specimens of the Type Faces, Borders, Ornaments, Rules and other Material Cast on "Monotype" Type Composing & Casting Machines).

London ca. 1940 EUR 60.00 - 90.00 EUR 78.00
848 Morison,S. u. K.Day.

The Typographic Book 1450-1935. A study of fine typography through five centuries. Exhibited in upwards of three hundred and fifty title and text pages drawn from presses working in the european tradition.

London 1963 EUR 60.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
849 Orcutt,W.D. u. E.E.Bartlett.

The manual of linotype typography. Prepared to aid users and producers of printing in securing unity and real beauty in the printed page.

Brooklyn 1923 EUR 60.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
850 Renner,P.

Typografie als Kunst.

Mchn. 1922 EUR 70.00 - 100.00 EUR 91.00
  • High Bids Win
    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Ellis Smith Prints unsigned. 20” by 16”.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: United typothetae of America presidents. Pictures of 37 UTA presidents 46th annual convention United typothetae of America Cincinnati 1932.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec signed Paper Impressionism Art Prints. MayMilton 9 1/2” by 13” Reine de Joie 9 1/2” by 13”.
    High Bids Win
    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Aberle’ Ballet editions. 108th triumph, American season spring and summer 1944.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Puss ‘n Boots. 1994 Charles Perrult All four are signed by Andreas Deja
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Specimen book of type faces. Job composition department, Philadelphia gazette publishing company .
    High Bids Win
    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: An exhibit of printed books, Bridwell library.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur Court By Mark Twain 1889.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: 1963 Philadelphia Eagles official program.
    High Bids Win
    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: 8 - Esquire the magazine for men 1954.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: The American printer, July 1910.
    High Bids Win, Dec. 24 – Jan. 9: Leaves of grass 1855 by Walt Whitman.
  • Sotheby's
    Fine Books, Manuscripts & More
    Available for Immediate Purchase
    Sotheby’s: William Shakespeare.
    The Poems and Sonnets of William Shakespeare, 1960. 7,210 USD
    Sotheby’s: Charles Dickens.
    A Christmas Carol, First Edition, 1843. 17,500 USD
    Sotheby’s: William Golding.
    Lord of the Flies, First Edition, 1954. 5,400 USD
    Fine Books, Manuscripts & More
    Available for Immediate Purchase
    Sotheby’s: Lewis Carroll.
    Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There, Inscribed First Edition, 1872. 25,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: J.R.R. Tolkien.
    The Hobbit, First Edition, 1937. 12,000 USD
    Sotheby’s: John Milton.
    Paradise Lost, 1759. 5,400 USD