Bubb Kuyper: Literature and Fine printing, 81c, 2011 KM Haarlem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 19, 2024 - November 19, 2024
Page Size: 610 items in 25 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
1838 [Kozma, L.]. Karinthy, F.

[Kozma, L.]. Karinthy, F. Zsuzsa Bergengociaban.

Budapest 1921 EUR 300.00 - 500.00 Not Sold
1839 Kruglikova, E.

Kruglikova, E. Siluety sovremennikov. I. Poety (Silhouettes of contemporaries. I. Poets [all publ.]).

Moscow 1922 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 104.32
1840 Kubin, A.

Kubin, A. Ein neuer Totentanz. Ed. W. Wachsmuth.

Vienna 1947 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 Not Sold
1841 La Fontaine, J. de.

La Fontaine, J. de. Contes et nouvelles en vers.

Paris 1883 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.40
1842 [Lefler, H. and Urban, J.]. Andersen, H.C.

[Lefler, H. and Urban, J.]. Andersen, H.C. Contes.

Vienna n.d. (+-1910) EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.40
1843 [Legrand, L.]. Carco, F.

[Legrand, L.]. Carco, F. Quelques-Unes.

Paris 1931 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 EUR 299.92
1844 [Limited Editions Club]. Marlowe, C.

[Limited Editions Club]. Marlowe, C. Four Plays. Ed. and introd. H. Ellis.

New York 1966 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 EUR 260.80
1845 Lucebert.

Lucebert. Jandl en Roth.

Amstelveen 1993 EUR 40.00 - 60.00 EUR 65.20
1846 [De Luis].

[De Luis]. Luizencahier 1. Ed. J.H. Moesman, H. van Maarseveen and W.D. Kuik.

Utr. 1962 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold
1847 [Lupertz, M.]. Holderlin, F.

[Lupertz, M.]. Holderlin, F. Das nachste Beste.

Amsterdam/ Cologne 1990 EUR 800.00 - 1,000.00 Not Sold
1848 [Maillol, A.]. Vergilius Maro, P.

[Maillol, A.]. Vergilius Maro, P. Les Georgiques. French transl. J. Delille.

Paris 1937-1943 [= 1950] EUR 1,200.00 - 1,500.00 Not Sold
1849 [Mangold, R.]. Holderlin, F.

[Mangold, R.]. Holderlin, F. Sieben Maximen. Seven Maxims. Engl. transl. P. Schmidt

Amst. 1996 EUR 300.00 - 500.00 EUR 1,043.20
1850 Masson, A.

Masson, A. Dessins erotiques.

Paris 1970 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold
1851 [Masson, A.]. Maurois, A.

[Masson, A.]. Maurois, A. Les erophages.

Paris 1960 EUR 400.00 - 600.00 Not Sold
1852 [Mees, F.].

[Mees, F.]. Exposition internationale des arts decoratifs et industriels modernes. Catalogue des oeuvres de la section des Pays Bas a l'exposition a P

Haarlem 1925 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 EUR 104.32
1853 [Meijer, J.]. Vestdijk, S.

[Meijer, J.]. Vestdijk, S. Arcadisch Pansbeeldje en andere gedichten.

Amst. 1981 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 104.32
1854 Merz, K.

Merz, K. Drei Gedichte. Rast, Heraklit, Haute couture.

Merano 1998 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 Not Sold
1855 Crowley, A.

[Miniature books]. Crowley, A. Dedicace.

(Geesbrug) 1982 EUR 60.00 - 80.00 Not Sold
1856 Holderlin, F.

[Miniature books]. Holderlin, F. Hyperions lied van het lot. Dutch transl. K. Freriks.

N.pl. n.d. (+-1990) EUR 50.00 - 70.00 Not Sold
1857 Achille J.

[Miniature books. Achille J. St. Onge]. Lot of 9 miniature books published by Achille J. St. Onge,

published by Achille J. St. Onge 1960-1976 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 195.60

[Miniature books. Burgersdijk en Niermans]. Lot of 12 New year's publications,

Leyden 1991-2013 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 EUR 65.20
1859 Swarbrick, J.

[Miniature books. Fleece Press]. Swarbrick, J. List of Wharfedale Flies.

Huddersfield 2009 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 169.52
1860 Shakespeare, W.

[Miniature books. Lyra Pragensis]. Shakespeare, W. Lukrecie.

Prague 1977 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 143.44

[Miniature books. Philip Elchers]. Lot of 14 miniature books, published by Philip Elchers,

EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 143.44
1862 Moliere, J.B.P. de.

Moliere, J.B.P. de. Oeuvres completes. Introd. J. Janin.

Paris Sanchez et Cie. EUR 40.00 - 60.00 Not Sold
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