Bubb Kuyper: Literature and Fine printing, 81c, 2011 KM Haarlem

Auction Details

Auction Report
Auction Date
November 19, 2024 - November 19, 2024
Page Size: 610 items in 25 pages

Lot Number Author Name Book Title Place Printed Year Published Estimate Actual Price
1938 Leopold, J.H.

[Stichting De Roos]. Leopold, J.H. Omar Khayam.

Utr. 1953 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 130.40
1939 Melville, H.

[Stichting de Roos]. Melville, H. Bartleby.

Utr. 1969 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
1940 Nijhoff, M.

[Stichting De Roos]. Nijhoff, M. Het Uur U.

Utr. 1989 EUR 120.00 - 150.00 Not Sold
1941 Vestdijk, S.

[Stichting De Roos]. Vestdijk, S. De bruine vriend.

Utr. 1982 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 EUR 104.32
1942 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Bloem, J.C.

[Stols, A.A.M.]. Bloem, J.C. Liefde.

The Hague 1950 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 208.64
1943 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Duinkerken, A. van.

[Stols, A.A.M.]. Duinkerken, A. van. Onder gods ogen.

Maastr. 1927 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.40
1944 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Erasme.

[Stols, A.A.M.]. Erasme. Revue mensuelle consacree aux relations culturelles franco-neerlandaises. No.1-24. (year 1 and 2) [all published].

The Hague 1946-1947 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
1945 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Jannyn, J.

[Stols, A.A.M.]. Jannyn, J. Alternances.

Maastr. 1935 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 117.36
1946 [Stols, A.A.M.]. Labe, L.

[Stols, A.A.M.]. Labe, L. Oeuvres completes. Ed. P.C. Boutens, introd. J.-J. Salverda de Grave.

Maastr. 1928 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 221.68
1947 [Stone House Press].

[Stone House Press]. Lot of +-40 prospectuses, wishing cards, keepsakes etc.,

Roslyn (NY) +-1990-1995 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 EUR 65.20
1948 Buch, B.

[Sub Signo Libelli]. Buch, B. Het androgyn in ska. Figuren.

(Amst.) 1982 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 130.40
1949 Buch, B.

[Sub Signo Libelli]. Buch, B. C'est la mort qui console, helas.

(Amst.) 1983 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 EUR 91.28
1950 Muurtekst bij L.

[Sub Signo Libelli]. Muurtekst bij L. van Dijk, 's-Gravenhage 18e eeuw.

(Geesbrug) 2006 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 130.40
1951 Trakl, G.

[Sub Signo Libelli]. Trakl, G. An den Knaben Elis.

(Amst.) 1975 EUR 50.00 - 70.00 EUR 65.20
1952 Swarte, J.

Swarte, J. New York boek. Tekeningen voor de New Yorker.

N.pl. 2017 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.40
1953 Swinburne, A.C.

Swinburne, A.C. (Works). German transl. by R. Borchardt.

Berlin 1919 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 Not Sold
1954 Shakespeare, W.

[Tallone]. Shakespeare, W. Hamlet.

Alpignano 1978 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 169.52
1955 Toorn, W. van.

Toorn, W. van. De Waal.

Baarn 1993 EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 130.40
1956 Toulouse-Lautrec, H. de.

Toulouse-Lautrec, H. de. The Circus.

Paris/ New York 1952 EUR 70.00 - 90.00 Not Sold
1957 Turner, D., Franklin, C. and Bigus, R.

Turner, D., Franklin, C. and Bigus, R. The Mystique of Vellum. Containing an introduction by Dechard Turner and a historical essay on vellum printed b

Boston 1984 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 EUR 358.60
1958 [Tytgat, E.]. Supervielle, J.

[Tytgat, E.]. Supervielle, J. De os en de ezel van den heiligen stal. Dutch transl. M. Roelants.

Rott. 1933 EUR 40.00 - 60.00 EUR 78.24
1959 Uzanne, O.

Uzanne, O. Les Modes de Paris. Variations du gout et de l'esthetique de la femme 1797-1897.

Paris 1898 EUR 80.00 - 100.00 EUR 104.32
1960 Wordsworth, W.

[Vale Press]. Wordsworth, W. Poems from Wordsworth. Ed. T. Sturge Moore.

(London n.d. (1902) EUR 100.00 - 150.00 EUR 195.60
1961 Valery, P.

Valery, P. Eupalinos ou l'Architecte, precede de l'Ame et la danse.

Paris 1923 EUR 200.00 - 300.00 Not Sold
1962 Valery, P.

Valery, P. La jeune parque.

Brussels 1935 EUR 150.00 - 250.00 EUR 195.60
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
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    December 24 to January 9
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    and Machine Manuals
    December 24 to January 9
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    Rare Books, Catalogs, Magazines
    and Machine Manuals
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